The definition of Advance Quantum medicine and its application (1)----Advance TCM
Part 1: Three presentation of life system.
According Schrodinger’s “What is Life”, for life system, there are three presentations:
1) Molecular Biology,
2) Quantum Biology,
3) Advance Quantum Biology.
Figure 1: A) is molecule, B) is quantum behind molecule,
C) is advance quantum (high negative entropy, crystal) behind molecule.
According Schrodinger’s idea:
A) is the epiphenomenal illusion of life---Molecular Biology, which indeed is scientific medicine----Western medicine;
B) (A+B) is non crystal illusion of life—Quantum Biology,which indeed is Evidance Basic Medicine (EBM);
C) (A+C) is complete presentaion of life ----Advance Quantum Biology, which it poses high negative entropy; and it is the fundamental presentation of life system.
Part Two
The relation between Advance quantum biology and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The system of advance qnantum medicine is unable to be expressed by classic quantum mechanics according Copenhegan Interpretation and other approaches.
But the system of advance quantum biology is the advance non equilibrium thermodynamic system; which it has basic thermodynamic mathematic function is :
E==(S-).T.(V). Here, E as free energy, (S-) as negative entropy, T as temperature, V as space.
From E==T(S-)V--à E, (S-),T,V; we have figure 2

1) E --> Yin and Yang,
2) (S-)--> empty and fullness,
3) T --> cold and hot
4) V(space)—>outside and inside.,
Thus,the yin –yang theory of TCM ( Yin and yang, Full and empty, hot and cold, inside and outside) could completely express the advance non equilibrium thermodynamic system,the system of advance quantum biology .For Traditional Chinese medicine,if it is interpreted according AQB, it is advance TCM.
Therefore, the system of advance quantum biology is the system of yin and yang.Due to the theory of yin and yang, the system of advance quantum medicine could be expressed out, and due to advance quantum biology,the theory of yin and yang has its ontological basic.
1) Ming Wong, The Collection of Essays on the Issue of Consciousness and High Negative Entropy Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. USA 2016
ISBN: 9781618961280
2) Ming Wong, Traditional Chinese Medicine and metaphysics. PublishAmerica 2010. ISBN:978-1-4512-7734-0
The definition of Advance Quantum medicine and
its application (2 )---Advance TCM.
Among Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there are 1) classic TCM, and 2) Advance TCM; Advance TCM is based on Advance Quantum medicine.
Western Medicine treats medical problems on molecular level while Advance TCM manages the medical problems on the quantum level. For the medical treatment, Advance TCM is more fundamental than Western Medicine (scientific medicine and EBM)。
While Western medicine treats patient’s problems on the level of molecular biology, advance TCM treats the medical problems on the level of advance quantum biology. Advance TCM is more substantial than Western medicine.
For Advance TCM, it could treat many medical problems which Western Medicine (WM) could not help:
1) The ordinary medical problems:
a) Respiratory system; allergy, asthma, chronic cough;
b) Digestive system: GERD, Peptic ulcer, colitis , liver problem;
c) Skin problems: Eczema, dermatitis, urticaria , psoriasis;
d) Joints and muscle: Arthritis, low back ache, frozen shoulders, bursitis, fibromyalgia ;
e) Neurological problems: insomnia, dizziness, anxiety, depression, bipolar DX;
And many other abnormal medical conditions.
For many ordinary medical problems, if they don’t get well with Western medicine, that mean they could be caused by the abnormality of quantum activity, then, Advance TCM could do well for those medical problems.
2) Complicate medical diseases:
Complicate asthma, complicate GERD, complicate colitis, complicate hypertension, complicate diabetes, complicate renal problem, complicate neurological problem, CVA, Parkinson DX, Alzheimer’s DX, Lupus, schizophrenia;….
For these difficult medical problems, usually they could be caused by the abnormality of quantum activity. If they are treated with Advance TCM, it could be resulted in huge benefit or even get complete recovery.
3) Fatal Diseases:
Breast cancer, Prostate cancer, Leukemia, lymphoma, liver cancer and lung cancer, colon cancer and so on.
For these fatal medical problems, usually they could be caused by the abnormality of quantum activity. If they are treated with Advance TCM, it could be resulted in additional benefit or even get complete recovery.
For all above medical problems, Western medicine could do some treatments for them, but these treatment might not good enough; if they are treated with advance Traditional Chinese Medicine, it could be resulted in additional benefit or even get complete recovery.